
49th Graduation Day - The date of Graduation will be intimated to you later


Information & Instructions:


    Greetings from Principal’s desk. We are getting ready for the graduation day. The University will permit us to Organize the Graduation day in respective colleges after the convocation at its premise. Hence, I request the students graduated in April 2024 & June 2024 to register for the same through College Website.


     The Eligible Students are asked to follow the instructions carefully while filling up the data. The last date for registration is 31st March 2025.

Kindly provide the following:
  1. Proof of your employment (or) Proof of your Higher Studies (or) Proof of your Self Employment to be uploaded
  2. If you don’t fall under any of the above category, you have to give an undertaking that you are looking for job / going to do study/ preparing for Group Exam / TNPSC etc., counter signed by the principal. This document has to be uploaded.

Note: Without uploading of the above documents you cannot register for the graduation. The college office will verify your documents before permitting you download the Admit Card.


Please Follow the Instructions Carefully:

  • Be in the campus at 8.30 a.m.
  • Between 8.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. meet the HOD of your department to verify your registration.
    Only online registration allowed. No spot Registration.
  • Meet the HOD to get your degree certificates before entering Kamarajar Arangam (UG) & Garreno Hall (PG).
  • You have to pay an advance of Rs.700/- for the Graduation Gown and Administrative expenses.
    (Rs.200/- Administrative expenses & Hiring of Gown + Refundable Caution deposit Rs.500/-). After the function you have to return the convocation gowns to the people at the counters. If you fail to return the gowns, caution deposit will not be transferred to your account.
  • For the purpose of returning the caution deposit, students are asked to give their account details. Please ensure you give the correct account numbers. College will not be responsible if the amount bounces back.
  • After your registration the office will verify your given data and then it will approve your registration. After the approval you will get a SMS confirming your registration.
    For further enquiry contact Mr. T. Joseph Vinothkumar (9363614415) Timing: 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM.
  • You are expected to occupy your seat before 10.00 a.m. No one will be permitted to enter the venue after 10.00. a.m. The doors will be closed till the function is over.
  • Only the official Photographer is permitted to take photos.
  • Perfect silence and decorum must be maintained throughout the proceedings of the Convocation.
  • You are asked to keep your mobile phone either in silent mode (or) flight mode.
  • You will be allowed to bring one guest only (Optional).
  • Kindly provide the proof of your employment and your photo, so that we can display it on banner on the day of the event.
  • Fill up the students Feedback online (Mandatory).
  • Looking forward to meeting you on the day of Graduation.

Who is eligible for graduation?

  • 49th Graduation - Candidates who have passed in APRIL 2024 & JUNE 2024.

Click here to view the Eligible Graduates Name List